The Details tab shows the detailed information for one flight:
1 - Flight Identification
The query for which the Flight Details detached View is generated is reminded on top of the window:
- ARCID: Aircraft identification.
- ADEP: ICAO code of the aerodrome of departure.
- IOBD: Initial Estimated Off-Block Date (Today or Yesterday)
- IOBT: Initial Estimated Off-Block Time.
- ADES: Aerodrome of Destination.
- Filed ADES: only displayed for diverted flights. +
- Proposal (Show Normal) or (Proposal exists - Show Proposal):
- The text Proposal (Show Normal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Proposal flight plan.
In such case, the text Show Normal implements a link to display the flight details view for this normal flight plan. - The text (Proposal exists - Show Proposal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Normal flight plan and a Proposal plan exists.
This text implements a link to display the flight details view for this proposal flight plan.
- The text Proposal (Show Normal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Proposal flight plan.
The conversation after the descent to FL290 seems to be the same every time. The air traffic control asks the pilot, 'for the flight plan please say your new equipment suffix'. After a long pause, the pilot normally responds with a 'standby while I look it up'. Many times the controller will look up the proper suffix for the flustered pilot. We further compare the delay costs after improving airport slot adherence and we run APSA for MINP inf and MINP for both regulations. ATFM slot re-allocation for Regulation 1 to find an optimal airport slot adherence improved the delay cost to 3845EUR, compared to MINP inf only. For the capacity constrained case the delay cost also decreased. ATC TTOT: ATC Target Take-off Time (hh:mm format). TW: The Slot Tolerance Window for a regulated flight or the Departure Tolerance Window for a non regulated flight. TOBT: The Target Off-Block Time (hh:mm), if any. TSAT: The Target Start-up Approval Time (hh:mm), if any. Aircraft Type: The ICAO identifier of the Aircraft Type.
The Result area is further divided into distinct sections:
2 - General Flight Information Free texas holdem poker 24/7.
- AO: ICAO code of the aircraft operator.
- OPR AO: ICAO code of the operating aircraft operator.
- Last MSG from: Originator of the last FPL related message.
- Aircraft Type: Type of aircraft.
- Initial RFL: Initial Requested Flight level.
- Registration Mark: Aircraft registration mark.
- RVR: Runway visual range.
- CEQPT: The list of radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment types as provided in the flight plan.
- CCAMS Code: the CCAMS code, if any.
3 - Timing Information (group header Time)
- Last EOBT: Last received Estimated Off-Block date and Time (dd-hh:mm format).
- ETOT: Estimated Take-Off Time.
- CTOT: Calculated Take-Off Time.
- ATOT: Actual Take-Off Time.
- Last Validity: Last Valid EOBT acceptable for the flight before triggering IFPS errors . See LV column in DV:Flight List for detailed display format, tooltip and ICD source data.
- Prop CTOT: Eventual ETFMS Proposed Calculated Take-Off Time.
- EET: Estimated Elapsed Time.
- Taxi Time: Taxi Time in minutes.
- Actual Taxi Time: Actual Taxi Time in minutes.
- CTOT Limit: Possible exceptional reason that may affect the CTOT allocation of the flight, if any. Possible values are:
- Forced by Tower
- Forced by NMOC
- Was Forced by NMOC
- Slot extension
- Forced by CHAMAN
- Forced by STAM
- Limited by Violation
- Limited by Violation / Zero Rate / RVR (i.e. Limited by Violation then Zero Rate or RVR)
- • ' ' (i.e. Blank) when no special CTOT Limit to report.
- Resp By: The time by which the Prop CTOT has to be accepted or rejected.
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival.
- CTA: Calculated Time of Arrival.
- ATA: Actual Time of Arrival.
4 - Status Information (group header Status)
- Flight Type: Type of flight. (ACT, IFPL, PFD, RPL, TACT, TERM).
- RFI: If the flight is in Request For Improvement mode (RFI=Y).
Or if the flight is in SIP Wanted Message mode (RFI=N). - Late Filer: If the flight is a late filer.
- REA: If a REAdy to depart message has been received for this flight.
- Late Updater: If the flight is a late updater.
- TIS: Time needed to Insert in Sequence.
- Exempt Flight: If the flight is exempted from regulation.
- TRS: Time needed to Remove from Sequence.
Is live poker still profitable strategy. 5 - Airport CDM Information (group header Airport)
a) Airport (CDM)
b) Airport (Advanced ATC/TWR)
c) Airport (Standard)
- Status : The CDM Flight Status.
Possible CDM Status are :
a) 'Predicted' (a valid P-DPI has been received.
b) 'Estimated' (a valid E-DPI has been received).
c) 'Targeted' (a valid T-DPI-t has been received).
d) '(Pre)Sequenced' (a valid T-DPI-s has been received).
e) 'Actual Off-Block' (a valid ATC DPI has been received). - SID : The ICAO designator of the departure terminal procedure (SID), if any.
- C-DPI Reason: The reason associated to the last received Cancel-DPI message, if any.
- Turnaround TTOT: Target take-off time based on the AO/GH constraints.
- Earliest TTOT: Target take-off time based on any airport capacity constraints.
- Consolidated TTOT: Target take-off time based on the CTOT, that sequences the flight inside the STW.
- ATC TTOT: ATC Target Take-off Time (hh:mm format).
- TW: The Slot Tolerance Window for a regulated flight or the Departure Tolerance Window for a non regulated flight.
- TOBT: The Target Off-Block Time (hh:mm), if any.
- TSAT: The Target Start-up Approval Time (hh:mm), if any.
- Aircraft Type : The ICAO identifier of the Aircraft Type.
It is appended with the warning symbol '(!)' and displayed in discrepancy colour if different from the FPL Aircraft Type. - Registration Mark: The Registration Mark, if any.
It is appended with the warning symbol '(!)' and displayed in discrepancy colour if different from the FPL Registration Mark. - Departure Status: Shows the value 'de-icing', else blank.
6 - Route (group header Route)
1 - Flight Identification
The query for which the Flight Details detached View is generated is reminded on top of the window:
- ARCID: Aircraft identification.
- ADEP: ICAO code of the aerodrome of departure.
- IOBD: Initial Estimated Off-Block Date (Today or Yesterday)
- IOBT: Initial Estimated Off-Block Time.
- ADES: Aerodrome of Destination.
- Filed ADES: only displayed for diverted flights. +
- Proposal (Show Normal) or (Proposal exists - Show Proposal):
- The text Proposal (Show Normal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Proposal flight plan.
In such case, the text Show Normal implements a link to display the flight details view for this normal flight plan. - The text (Proposal exists - Show Proposal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Normal flight plan and a Proposal plan exists.
This text implements a link to display the flight details view for this proposal flight plan.
- The text Proposal (Show Normal) is only visible in case the displayed flight is based on a Proposal flight plan.
The conversation after the descent to FL290 seems to be the same every time. The air traffic control asks the pilot, 'for the flight plan please say your new equipment suffix'. After a long pause, the pilot normally responds with a 'standby while I look it up'. Many times the controller will look up the proper suffix for the flustered pilot. We further compare the delay costs after improving airport slot adherence and we run APSA for MINP inf and MINP for both regulations. ATFM slot re-allocation for Regulation 1 to find an optimal airport slot adherence improved the delay cost to 3845EUR, compared to MINP inf only. For the capacity constrained case the delay cost also decreased. ATC TTOT: ATC Target Take-off Time (hh:mm format). TW: The Slot Tolerance Window for a regulated flight or the Departure Tolerance Window for a non regulated flight. TOBT: The Target Off-Block Time (hh:mm), if any. TSAT: The Target Start-up Approval Time (hh:mm), if any. Aircraft Type: The ICAO identifier of the Aircraft Type.
The Result area is further divided into distinct sections:
2 - General Flight Information Free texas holdem poker 24/7.
- AO: ICAO code of the aircraft operator.
- OPR AO: ICAO code of the operating aircraft operator.
- Last MSG from: Originator of the last FPL related message.
- Aircraft Type: Type of aircraft.
- Initial RFL: Initial Requested Flight level.
- Registration Mark: Aircraft registration mark.
- RVR: Runway visual range.
- CEQPT: The list of radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment types as provided in the flight plan.
- CCAMS Code: the CCAMS code, if any.
3 - Timing Information (group header Time)
- Last EOBT: Last received Estimated Off-Block date and Time (dd-hh:mm format).
- ETOT: Estimated Take-Off Time.
- CTOT: Calculated Take-Off Time.
- ATOT: Actual Take-Off Time.
- Last Validity: Last Valid EOBT acceptable for the flight before triggering IFPS errors . See LV column in DV:Flight List for detailed display format, tooltip and ICD source data.
- Prop CTOT: Eventual ETFMS Proposed Calculated Take-Off Time.
- EET: Estimated Elapsed Time.
- Taxi Time: Taxi Time in minutes.
- Actual Taxi Time: Actual Taxi Time in minutes.
- CTOT Limit: Possible exceptional reason that may affect the CTOT allocation of the flight, if any. Possible values are:
- Forced by Tower
- Forced by NMOC
- Was Forced by NMOC
- Slot extension
- Forced by CHAMAN
- Forced by STAM
- Limited by Violation
- Limited by Violation / Zero Rate / RVR (i.e. Limited by Violation then Zero Rate or RVR)
- • ' ' (i.e. Blank) when no special CTOT Limit to report.
- Resp By: The time by which the Prop CTOT has to be accepted or rejected.
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival.
- CTA: Calculated Time of Arrival.
- ATA: Actual Time of Arrival.
4 - Status Information (group header Status)
- Flight Type: Type of flight. (ACT, IFPL, PFD, RPL, TACT, TERM).
- RFI: If the flight is in Request For Improvement mode (RFI=Y).
Or if the flight is in SIP Wanted Message mode (RFI=N). - Late Filer: If the flight is a late filer.
- REA: If a REAdy to depart message has been received for this flight.
- Late Updater: If the flight is a late updater.
- TIS: Time needed to Insert in Sequence.
- Exempt Flight: If the flight is exempted from regulation.
- TRS: Time needed to Remove from Sequence.
Is live poker still profitable strategy. 5 - Airport CDM Information (group header Airport)
a) Airport (CDM)
b) Airport (Advanced ATC/TWR)
c) Airport (Standard)
- Status : The CDM Flight Status.
Possible CDM Status are :
a) 'Predicted' (a valid P-DPI has been received.
b) 'Estimated' (a valid E-DPI has been received).
c) 'Targeted' (a valid T-DPI-t has been received).
d) '(Pre)Sequenced' (a valid T-DPI-s has been received).
e) 'Actual Off-Block' (a valid ATC DPI has been received). - SID : The ICAO designator of the departure terminal procedure (SID), if any.
- C-DPI Reason: The reason associated to the last received Cancel-DPI message, if any.
- Turnaround TTOT: Target take-off time based on the AO/GH constraints.
- Earliest TTOT: Target take-off time based on any airport capacity constraints.
- Consolidated TTOT: Target take-off time based on the CTOT, that sequences the flight inside the STW.
- ATC TTOT: ATC Target Take-off Time (hh:mm format).
- TW: The Slot Tolerance Window for a regulated flight or the Departure Tolerance Window for a non regulated flight.
- TOBT: The Target Off-Block Time (hh:mm), if any.
- TSAT: The Target Start-up Approval Time (hh:mm), if any.
- Aircraft Type : The ICAO identifier of the Aircraft Type.
It is appended with the warning symbol '(!)' and displayed in discrepancy colour if different from the FPL Aircraft Type. - Registration Mark: The Registration Mark, if any.
It is appended with the warning symbol '(!)' and displayed in discrepancy colour if different from the FPL Registration Mark. - Departure Status: Shows the value 'de-icing', else blank.
6 - Route (group header Route)
- ICAO Field 15 route.
7 - Avoided Regulations (group header Avoided Regulations )
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- List of regulations that have been avoided by refiling (via CHG flightplan or cancel-refile).
8 - Regulation and Rerouting Information (group header Regulation)
- Rerouting warning message: The rerouting status and AOWIR possibilities.
The rerouting status is only displayed if applicable. It is composed of a reason and a state.
If the flight has been rerouted, the displayed rerouting reason may be:a) ATFM executed rerouting.
b) ATFCM purpose RRP rerouting.
c) ATC purpose RRP Rerouting.
d) Aircraft Operator RRP.
d) Flight efficiency RRP rerouting.
d) STAM purpose RRP rerouting.
d) CDR opportunity RRP rerouting.
When there is a rerouting reason, it is followed by one of these rerouting states:
a) Produced for a valid rerouting going on, waiting to be realised by either an FPL or a CHG.
b) Executed when the rerouting has been processed.
c) Timed-out when no FPL/CHG was received on time.
d) Rejected for a rerouting proposal that has been rejected.
e) Revoked for a rerouting proposal has been revoked.
f) No-match when the message received did not match the proposal. Rerouting has been invalidated.
The AOWIR indicator may be one of the following:
a) Reroute TRY and Apply NOT allowed.
b) Reroute Try possible.
c) Reroute TRY and Apply possible.
- FLS Resp By: Time limit for the Confirmation message (FCM) after the issue of a Flight Suspension (FLS).
- Rerouting Ref: The reference of the rerouting affecting the flight.
- Most Penal Reg: The reference of the most penalising regulation affecting the flight.
- Regcause: The code of the cause for the regulation.
- Delay: The resulting delay for the flight (between '*' if not yet published).
- TTO Fix: Optional Target Time Over Fix Point (TTO_Fix) information linked to the most penalising regulation.
To preserve readability and intuitive interpretation of this combined TTO Fix information, the following composing three data elements are concatenated using a fixed length format and separated by a blank character in order for each composing element to be well aligned with the content of the row above and beneath:
(a) Location identification (point id possibly padded with blank characters to the right in order to obtain a fixed length of 5 characters)
(b) A blank separator
(c) Target time over (TTO) in hh:mm format
(d) A blank separator
(e) Flight level over the TTO_Fix location (three digits numeric value with leading zeros in order to obtain a fixed length of 3 characters ex: 000, 090, 380) - ATT: Optional Actual time at Target information resulting from the concatenation of the following two data elements without blank separator:
(a) Actual time at Target (ATT) in hh:mm format
(b) TTO compliance:- '/' when the ATT is before the tolerance window around the TTO
- ' ' when the ATT is inside the tolerance window around the TTO
- '' when the ATT is after the tolerance window around the TTO
- RRP Resp By: The time limit to reply to the proposed rerouting.
- Slot Tol Viol: The slot tolerance violation in minutes (ATOT vs. CTOT).
- Last MSG Sent/Received: Last ATFCM message sent or received for the flight.
- Originator: The Originator of the last FPL related message.
- Suspension warning: Only displayed when Suspension Status is different from Not Suspended.
The possible reasons for a flight currently suspended are:- Flight suspended – SIT Time Out.
- light suspended – Slot Missed.
- Flight suspended – FCM Required.
- Delay Threshold exceeded, FCM Required.
- Flight suspended – RVR.
- Flight suspended – Not Reported as Airborne.
- Flight suspended – FP Revalidation.
- Flight suspended – Manual Suspension.
- Flight suspended – Airport Suspension.
- Flight was suspended – SIT Time Out.
- Flight was suspended – Slot Missed.
- Flight was suspended – FCM Required.
- Flight was suspended – Delay Threshold exceeded, FCM Required.
- Flight was suspended – RVR.
- Flight was suspended – Not Reported as Airborne.
- Flight was suspended – FP Revalidation.
- Flight was suspended – Manual Suspension.
- Flight was suspended – Airport Suspension.
- Regulation Table: List of regulations affecting the flight plan.
- Measure: Regulation identifier - click on one of the links to open the Measure Editor for the selected measure.
- Kind: The abbreviated code of the measure kind.
The possible measure kind initials are:a) D for Delay.
Then comes another hyphen separator character ' - ' immediately followed by the abbreviated code for the measure sub-type:
b) RI for Rerouting Indication and Opportunities.
c) RP for Rerouting Indication and Opportunities with RRP.
d) RN for Rerouting Mandatory after Proposal (RRN).
e) RE for Rerouting Execute without Proposals on Demand or Regulated Demand.
f) M for M-CDM only.c) MDI: Minimum Departure Interval.
d) TONB: Take Off Not Before.
e) TONA: Take Off Not After.
f) GDLAY: Ground Delay.
g) GLCAP: Ground Flight Level Capping.
h) GHRER: Ground Horizontal Rerouting.
i) ALCAP: Airborne Flight Level Capping.
j) AHRER: Airborne Horizontal Rerouting.
k) TRAIL: Miles In Trail.
l) TPCHG: Terminal Procedure Change.
m) OTHER. - Purpose: The purpose of the rerouting. The following abbreviated codes are possible:
- Indicator: The following abbreviated codes are possible:
- ' ' for no_rerouting/UNINTERESTING
- RRP: Indicates (Yes/No) if the latest RRP message sent was due to this measure. The following abbreviated codes are possible:
- Y
- ' '
- M-CDM: The flight M-CDM state for that measure, if any. The following abbreviated codes are possible:
- PROP for Proposed
- COORD for Coordinated
- FOR IMPL for For Implementation
- IMPLTED for Implemented
- INTRUPT for Interrupted
- ABND for Abandonned
- FCM: Indication that a Flight Confirmation Message (FCM) is still required. In this case, the keyword Req is displayed.
- Ref Location: Corresponding list of reference locations on which regulations are defined.
- Hotspot: The hotspot period (hh:mm-hh:mm), when there is a hotspot associated to the measure definition.